(Please be aware: you may not see all these updates, depending on your subscription. For more information, please reach out to your sales contact.)

New Features

Search Enhancements

Be amongst the first to benefit from improvements driven by cutting-edge technologies and Generative AI (GenAI). We’re simplifying tax and accounting research, enriching your experience.

Tax Research, Transformed

When you type a question in the Search bar, we’ve enabled AI-Generated Responses. To jump-start your research, we’re leveraging GenAI to summarize trusted sources within CCH AnswerConnect and provide a response in plain language. 

Learn more about this exciting new feature: Watch Now (1:53)

New Thesaurus toggle helps you refine your searches

Now you can turn the Thesaurus off and on for each search you run. Just check or uncheck the “Apply Thesaurus” option beneath the Search bar.

See your search terms in browser tab title

When you run a search, your search terms are now displayed as the browser tab title. This helps you see where you left off and is particularly useful if you open multiple searches on new tabs. 

Content Additions

Treatise: Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (Misey) 

Practical guidance to effectively represent taxpayers against the IRS. Helps tax professionals understand rules of tax practice and procedure, how the IRS works and authority of various IRS employees. Provides a clear explanation of the organization, structure and processes involved in IRS practice.

Helpful illustrations and examples are included:

  • Sample filled-in forms
  • Sample letters - including IRS Response Letters
  • IRS documents

To access the treatise, click Treatises on the Home page and look under the Federal Tax section.